203075755dw 2Not just to be more consistent with my own bloody blog – but the one resolution I promised to keep after 6 months of flying back and forth was to buy something from SkyMall!

Who does buy from there? People must, I know, or they wouldn’t still publish the darn thing. Sure, everyone likes to dream about a wooden bracelet assistant that helps you snap the clasp … but do people buy them?

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I didn’t know this was an issue, though all my bracelets are rubber.

In my perfect world, I actually would kind of trick out my house with the cool gadgets from SkyMall. They have a video screen microscope!

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I must not have been the only one that hated squinting into the eyepiece to see my own hair look like a log.



Imagining my life through SkyMall is sort of how I hoped the future would be – lots of  things that did everything for you.

I want things that sharpen your razor blades, portably disinfect wherever you sit and wave your Harry Potter wand to remote control your TV.

The one thing I really want and WILL buy one day? This guy.

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I’m just not sure if I want him in Pacific Northwest brown or Himalayan white.

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