DALLAS – Season 2, Episode 24: “John Ross Ewing III, Part 2”

It’s the season finale and Linda Gray shines in some moving monologues and crazy-eyed drinking!  Let’s not waste any time! We pick up a few days after the end of Part 1. J.R. drives to the sanitarium to see Sue Ellen. When the doctor lets him in Sue Ellen’s room, it’s clear what to doctor […]

DALLAS – Season 2, Episode 23 “John Ewing III, Part 1”

Whoo-boy! Sue Ellen heads to the sanitarium for the first time. Lucy kicks drugs after one heartfelt talk with Bobby. Miss Ellie reads J.R. for filth. It’s a doozy of an episode, so let’s dive right in! Sue Ellen pulls into a parking lot of the clinic and pulls out a flask before her OB-GYN […]

The Costumed Adventurers in “Picking The Scabs!”

Ahhh! It’s not a Dallas or Wonder Woman recap! What is going on? I started writing about the Costumed Adventurers in college. They were called the Hero Brigade then, and EVERY! SENTENCE! ENDED! WITH! AN! EXCLAMATION! MARK! Gimmicks. They’re exhausting. I think about 10 years ago, I dusted them off, got rid of the INSANELY […]

Wonder Woman – Season One, Episode 13: “Bushwackers”

Ahhh, that title does NOT mean what you think it does. No mafiosos are attempting to kill any former presidents. A bushwacker is in fact, an outlaw who swore allegiance to neither side during the Civil War and united in bands to prey on both sides. So, who are the bushwackers in this episodes? The […]

DALLAS – Season Two, Episode 22: “The Outsiders”

Ahhh, Ray Krebs. Your tangled love life is a mess, but in Donna Culver’s debut, we see the bright shining hope for your future. Not today, of course. She’s still a Culver and won’t be your wife for a while. But this episode introduces one of my favorite characters and actresses (until I discovered she […]