- I didn’t expect to fall so hard in love with hot yoga, but there you are.
- I start drinking coffee at 4:30 am to make it to 6am class. This is love at its purest and most caffeinated.
- This is my 3/4ths of my excuse for going to bed at 9.
- The other 1/4 is NOT because I’m the same age my dad was when I started calling him an “antique.”
- I’m not sure a comfort zone exists where I would come to class in just my underwear, but some guys manage to pull it off.
- I don’t know who looked at crows, dogs and dolphins and said “These animals are onto something about flexibility and mental calmness” but I’m glad they did.
- I am by NO MEANS claiming mental calmness. I just hear it’s available to me.
- My heels are down, my hips are as high as I can push and still the teacher has to adjust me. When will I achieve a perfect downward dog?
Don’t try this at home … - And now … chair pose. Or, as its known in the original Sanskrit, “@#$% chair pose.”
- I am trying to feel my bandhas, but my gut insulates them extremely well. Let’s assume they are engaged, since I am clenching everything in my body, including my tongue.
- My brain always purposefully forgets this pose even exists until two seconds before it’s time for … side-angle pose.
- Ow.
- Count faster, please.
- No, REALLY. I feel cartilage ripping.
- Oh, no. That won’t be happening. I know there are others in class that can hold their feet straight out, and turn their heads to the left, but they must not have butt-numbing corporate desk jobs.
- Well, that was graceful.
- One teacher said if you need to go to child’s pose, that’s when you need to get stronger and stay in the pose.
- Not sure where this magical strength is supposed to come from, but I’mma think about it in child’s pose …
To (possibly) be continued …