Dreams Don’t Die, or Why I Love Xanadu So Much
I don’t obsess about Xanadu like I used to. Over the years, it pops up and I get a twinge of nostalgia. Songs or dialogue hurtle me back to the pimple-faced, gay 15-year-old, who meticulously cut out the silhouette of Olivia Newton-John from the back of the soundtrack, and taped inside my locker door. Or […]
In Which I Confess My Guiltiest Pleasures …
Men Without Hats’ first album. “Safety Dance” is awesome, but there’s a whole lot of fun stuff on that LP. Naked and Afraid. I would never in one trillion years go on that show, but I can binge watch it like crazy. I lost entire weekends last year to Naked and Afraid XL. Thongor books. I don’t […]